Ph.D. arch. Iris Popescu

PopUP Răspiua - Inclusive, Mobile Playground

In Romania, children with disabilities often face self-isolation, even on public playgrounds where they become even more aware of their differences because of the lack of accessibility. Since play is crucial in shaping a child’s future, playgrounds must be accessible to all children, regardless of their abilities. PopUp Răspiua addresses this need by serving as a mobile, inclusive playground that fosters interaction between able-bodied children and those with disabilities.

The design of PopUp Răspiua was developed through a participatory process, including activities with children from special schools, focus groups, and playdates, to gather insights into their preferences, challenges, and interactions. The playground emphasizes sensory perception stimulation, which is key to developing cognition, motor skills, and social interaction. It uses multi-sensory elements to facilitate engagement between children with varying abilities.

The playground’s design incorporates basic geometric shapes, diverse textures, and modular components such as armors and casemates. The armors are modular, interconnected, and multifunctional, allowing children to create different play scenarios and actively participate in shaping the play environment. The casemates, inspired by classic play structures, create semi-protected areas that blend imagination with reality and can be endlessly reconfigured for different play setups.

The modular elements can be used together or separately, allowing children to define their own play space. PopUP Răspiua is more about imagination than rules, offering inclusion through its flexible use and the endless scenarios it can accommodate.

Observations from playdates about the use of the playground include:

  • The modular design and freedom of use make it accessible to diverse children and adults, including those in wheelchairs, with hyperactivity, visual impairments, or other abilities.
  • It is multifunctional: after playing, the space becomes a great resting spot for both children and parents.
  • The varied textures of the armors sparked children’s imaginations; favorites included faux fur (imagined as an elephant, dog, bear, monkey, etc.) and sequins (seen as a princess, fish, mermaid, etc.).
  • The regular geometric shapes transformed the armors from wearable items into building blocks (for castles, ships, bridges), slides, seesaws, and even sofas, depending on the user’s imagination.
  • Children with and without disabilities can play together inclusively, as there are no strict usage rules based on the characteristics of a “standard person.”


PopUp Răspiua offers an equal playing experience for all children and promotes awareness of the need for accessible public playgrounds. Its modular, adaptable components can be used in various settings, and its mobility helps advocate for broader accessibility initiatives at the administrative level.

Status: completed

Location: mobile;

Main authors: arch.Sabrina Ahmad, phd.arch. Iris Popescu, arch. Mihaela Șerban/ Rhizome;

Collaborators: Ioana Enache – communication, Alexandra Anastasiu – design , Alexandru Cucu – accessibility, Vlad Rahota – graphic design, Roald Aron,Vlad Stoica (Wolfhouse Productions) – brand identity, Sorin Chirica (Nod Makerspace – production, Sorina Dumitru (Hubs) – production, Simina Fillat – production;

Duration: 2016-2017;

Client: AMAIS;

Financed by: ING Tech


A movie with all the armours gathering on top of each other in front of a white wall.
© Roald Aron for AMAIS, 2018
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